Russian detained in Norway


385840514Yan Petrovsky was a mercenary in Donbas, fighting for pro-Russian forces.

29-year-old Yan Petrovsky, a militant from Rusich battalion of pro-Russian forces, detained in Norway – reports NRK. Police established that he has ties with far-right movement in the country. Petrovsky has lived in Norway since 2004 after Russia annexed Crimea and started the turmoil in Donbas, Petrovsky went to take part in military actions.

He boasted about his military experience in social media. On one of the photos, he poses near a burning body of a Ukrainian soldier.

The mercenary was detained according to the immigration law. He is accused of violating it by staying for too long outside the country.

Petrovsky is also considered a threat to Norway state. Now the court decides whether Petrovsky will be deported from Norway.


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