Largo Association of Kyustendil has set out to teach Roma women and girls personal skills and self-confidence. Its project uses new methods for empowering Roma women, including innovative Norwegian models for direct advocacy through arts and culture. One of the objectives is to prevent early school dropout and early marriage among Roma girls.

The project entitled “I Have a Dream” was presented to Roma women and girls in Kyustendil on Friday. The civic initiative is implemented in partnership with Norway’s KUN Centre for Equality and Diversity, which has extensive experience in the empowerment of vulnerable social groups and is committed to protecting women’s and minority rights.
Largo Association Chairman Sasho Kovachev said: “The project is about a woman’s dreams and her ability to make her dreams come true.”
The Bulgarian-Norwegian project will be carried out in six towns over 30 months. “Colourful Melancholy”, a collection of personal stories of Bulgarian Roma women who have realized their dreams, has been published as part of the project.