More advanced biofuel in aviation


From 1 January 2020, 0.5 per cent of aviation fuel sold in Norway will be advanced biofuels, and the regulatory changes will be introduced in the Product Regulation. Advanced biofuel is a climate-friendly fuel, which will contribute to reaching Norway’s climate targets.

– The decision to introduce a requirement is good for the climate, good for the environment and helps accommodate for Norwegian production of advanced biofuels. As one of the first countries in the world to introduce a requirement in the aviation sector, Norway becomes an international frontrunner. It makes the air traffic greener, without increasing the pressure on tropical forests, the Minister of Climate and Environment, Ola Elvestuen says.

Flights carried out by military aircrafts are exempted from the decision due to technical requirements in the defense sector.

In 2018, Norwegian Environment Agency invited to a public consultation on behalf of the Ministry of Climate and Environment. Non-governmental organizations, industry actors, and government agencies provided inputs to the proposal. The majority of the actors were positive to the suggestion that the requirement had to be fulfilled with advanced biofuel instead of conventional biofuels. However, they believed that it would be too soon to introduce the requirement already on 1 January 2019. The Ministry of Climate and Environment followed this advice, and the regulation will therefore enter into force from 1 January 2020.

An important contribution to achieving climate goals and business development

The Government has set ambitious targets for reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector in Norway. The target is to halve the emissions from this sector by 2030, and the government has set an ambitious target that at least  30 per cent of the aviation fuels sold in 2030 will be biofuels.

– Predictable framework conditions can also stimulate to the production of advanced biofuels in Norway, and thus create new green jobs in Norway, says Elvestuen.

The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change stresses in its 1.5-degree report that urgent and fundamental changes are needed, and all sectors must cut emissions. Therefore, the regulatory change is an important step in reducing emissions from aviation.

The new text is on the Lovdatas website (in Norwegian). 

The changes will take effect on 1 January 2020.

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