Norwegian government seizes children, citing parents’ Christian ‘indoctrination’


NORWAY_c34-0-756-421_s885x516After the Norwegian government seized five children from their family, citing the parents’ Christian beliefs, activists are fighting back to bring the kids home.
The Home School Legal Defense Association on Tuesday released a video documenting the story of the Bodnariu family, from whom five children, ranging from 3 months to 9 years in age, were taken last November.

Norwegian child services, known as Barnevernet, removed the family’s two eldest daughters from school on Nov. 16 without the parents’ knowledge, and later in the day arrived at the Bodnariu home to take two of the three sons.

Marius Bodnariu, an information technician, rushed home from work and went with his wife, Ruth, to the police station to find out what was the matter, but received no answers.

The next day, police arrived back at the Bodnariu home to take the family’s 3-month-old son, Ezekiel, saying Ruth’s emotional display at the police station was a sign that the baby was in danger.

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