Practical issues related to the Arctic can be resolved only in collaboration with scientists according to a statement made today by the President of the Association of Polar Explorers and Special Presidential Representative for International Cooperation in the Arctic and Antarctic Arthur Chilingarov at the ‘Arctic: Territory of Dialogue’ 5th International Arctic Forum.
“Together with scientists, Russia is implementing interesting international projects that further prove that the Arctic can only be developed nowadays through research. Our expeditionary service is in the Arctic right now aboard the Academic Tryoshnikov research vessel, which is frozen in the ice. 150 scientists from different countries are on board”, Chilingarov said.
Furthermore, Chilingarov confirmed that scientists were working together closely with big business. According to him, icebergs had already been moved in order to ensure the safety of work on drilling rigs in the Arctic.
“Rosneft and the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute worked together to move icebergs 50 miles from the Laptev Sea”, Chilingarov said, drawing attention to the fact that there were many practical issues and that they were all gradually being resolved.
When asked about the environmental situation in the region, Chilingarov replied: “I must say that the environmental situation in the Arctic is not a simple one. But there is an initiative from the Russian President, who has given instructions to pay special attention to the Arctic environment. We have already cleared a significant part of the territory of industrial waste and waste associated with past military activity. A programme related to cleanliness and exploring different ways of cleaning the region is being actively implemented.”

President of the Association of Polar Explorers and Special Presidential Representative for International Cooperation in the Arctic and Antarctic Arthur Chilingarov has been keeping busy at the anniversary Arctic Forum. He took part in ‘The Arctic. An Ocean of Opportunity’ plenary session and in other key forum sessions.