Norway Opens Door for Mass Internet Surveillance


monitoring_onlineNorwegian Intelligence Service (PST) wants to obtain permission to monitor all Norwegians’ online activities. Ministry of Justice keeps the door open for the proposal. PST-chief Alana Bjørnland wants to give security permission to monitor all Norwegians’ activity on the internet by using so-called big data technologies. Minister of Justice and Public Security, Anders Anundsen is positive about the PST chief’s desire to strengthen national security.- It is important that PST has the necessary tools to fulfill its security mission, says Anundsen to Klassekampen.
He said the government is now working to assess what kind of rules is required for PST to process personal data, as well as methods and legalities of storing huge data.

On the other hand, Liberals (Venstre) and Socialist Left Party (SV) oppose to the proposal, while Labor Party (Ap) is skeptical.

Also Progress Party deputy Per Sandberg said no by suggesting the legistlation will lead to more monitoring of innocent people.


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