Turkey-Norway Is Willing to Continue Dialogs with Islamic Emirate

Russia’s Sputnik news agency reports that Turkey and Norway have said they will hold more dialogs with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

Earlier, Acting Foreign Minister Amir MUttaqi traveled to Turkey and Norway, quoting sources in Kabul, as saying that Norway and Turkey would hold talks with the Islamic Emirate in the near future to normalize relations with Kabul. The meeting will be held in Istanbul, Turkey or Norway.

It’s mentionable, that the Islamic Emirate seeks constructive interaction with the outside world. During the six months, since the conquest of the Islamic Emirate, diplomatic missions from many countries have visited Kabul, as well as diplomatic missions from Kabul. They have traveled from other countries to pave the way for the resumption of Kabul’s relations with the world.

Acting Afghanistan’s Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi believes that the Islamic Emirate has succeeded in engaging with the outside world.

Earlier, Britain’s former chief of staff had called for the emirate to be recognized officially.